Prof. Horst Klinkmann, BioCon Valley Chairman, Celebrates 70th Birthday – Celebratory Symposium

Prof. Horst Klinkmann, BioCon Valley Chairman, Celebrates 70th Birthday – Celebratory Symposium

Last Saturday, 7 April, Prof. Horst Klinkmann, FRCP, pioneer in the field of artificial organs and Chairman of the BioCon Valley Initiative, celebrated his 70th birthday in Rostock-Warnemünde at the well-known “Neptun-Hotel” together with friends, colleagues and representatives from politics, science and industry. On the occasion of his anniversary, BioCon Valley organized a symposium “Bridge from Science to Industry”. Among the speakers paying homage to Horst Klinkmann, Prof. Per Belfrage, Lund University and Chairman of Medicon Valley Academy, and Prof. Bo Samuelsson, University of Göteborg and Chairman of ScanBalt fmba, honoured his efforts to build successful bridges to the bioregions across the Baltic Sea.

News Source: Careen Kruger, BioCon Valley.

BioCon Valley is a member of ScanBalt.

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