Research Grants for German and Foreign Postdoctoral Students 2006
Research Grants for German and Foreign Postdoctoral Students 2006
Scholarship programme “Modern Applications of Biotechnology”
Research Grants for German and Foreign Postdoctoral Students 2006
The scholarship programme “Modern Applications of Biotechnology – CEE” is run by the German
Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in cooperation with the Federal Ministry of Education and
Research (BMBF) and offers academically especially qualified young postdoctoral students the
opportunity to spend at least 6 months and up to a maximum of 24 months doing research at relevant
institutes abroad.
The programme is open for Germans who want do research in Poland, Latvia,
Lithuania, Estonia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Slovenia as well as for postdoctoral
students from these countries who want to join a research group in Germany.
Research Fields
The research work of the postdoctoral students should address topics of modern biotechnology
with high innovation potential, such as:
· Medical biotechnology (including regeneration technologies),
· Engineering biotechnology (e.g. nanobiotechnology, biological production processes),
· Agricultural biotechnology (including biological safety research), and
· Molecular life sciences (including bioinformatics and systems biology).
Application deadline 15 June 2006
Appilcation papers and grant information