Research Management on Top of Europe
Research Management on Top of Europe
At the start of their career as independent researchers young scientists are faced with an overabundance of new challenges, including the management of research projects, the acquisition of research funds and management of teams that are often of an intercultural character. There is a strong necessity to provide the researchers with the tools necessary to manage these tasks and to provide knowledge on the possibilities of international cooperation and the commercialisation of scientific results.
In the course of the recently finished EU FP 6 co-funded project Trayss Prime, the partners Steinbeis Team North East, ProSciencia Beratungs-GmbH and ScanBalt, have prepared a strategy for such a training programme, focussing on the topics intellectual property, innovation and management issues and acquisition of research funding. Read more here.
In order to ensure a lasting effect of the projects results, the Trayss Prime partners plan to implement a Research Management strategy within the ScanBalt area. This strategy includes
¨ Building a network research management training sites from both the public as well as the private sector in Top of Europe countries
¨ Increasing the awareness of the importance of research management training of young scientists on Top of Europe
¨ Enhancing the quality of research management training by establishing standards and promote best practices
¨ Organizing management trainings in cooperation with ScanBalt partner institutions
¨ Organizing an annual research management training week in the ScanBalt region
¨ Attracting human and financial resources
Frank Graage, Head of Steinbeis Team North East in Rostock, who is coordinating the initiative, says “We intend to establish a Top of Europe Research Management Network (TOE-RMN) through dialogue with key stakeholders like research management training sites, research institutions, SME´s, big pharma, national and regional innovation and research agencies plus decision- and opinion makers. In order to strengthen competitiveness on Top of Europe and enhance commercialization we need to gain forces. An annual research management week would be a significant step forward”.
For further information please contact Frank Graage at, Tel. 0049 (0) 381 2106610
About Steinbeis Team North East: Steinbeis Team North East supports the cooperation between different research fields and business players concentrating on Northern and Eastern European countries.
Steinbeis Team North East has access to the international network of the Steinbeis Foundation, that is approx. 4.000 experts in more than 750 transfer businesses of diverse technologies and knowledge fields.
About ProSciencia Beratungs-GmbH: ProSciencia supports researchers from Industry and academia in acquisition and management of funded projects and provides training in related fields. Their large experience in the research funding field is appreciated by more than 2000 players in the field who are periodically supplied with information and support.