ScanBalt Business Club B2B Days in Saint Petersburg 6th and 7th of June: Meet Russian companies
ScanBalt Business Club invites to meet selected Russian companies within medical, technology, eHealth, pharma and biotech 6th and 7th of June in Saint Petersburg. The potential Russian companies which can be met are listed at the end of this mail.
The format of the ScanBalt Business Club B2B Days are short presentations by Russian and visiting companies. In advance Russian and visiting companies are invited to take direct contact with each other to prepare further bilateral meetings. In the morning the 7th of June group visits to Russian companies can be organized which leaves the afternoon free for bilateral meetings.
The ScanBalt Business Club B2B Days are organized in collaboration with the Saint-Petersburg State Chemical-Pharmaceutical Academy.
Participation Fee: To cover catering and facilities the 6th and 7th of June and local transportation costs 7th of June there will be a participation fee, the exact amount to be fixed once the number of participants are known but will be at a reasonable level.
Travel and accommodation: Travel and accommodation are to be organized individually by the participating companies. A dinner in the evening the 6th can be organized if there is an interest for it. This will be on the participants own budget.
Registration: In order to further plan the ScanBalt Business Club B2B Day 6th of June and the visits the 7th of June we would be happy if you could (1) signal your interest in participation to latest 10th of April in order for the planning to proceed; (2) indicate your interest in any specific companies in order to plan the presentations.
Soon after the 10th of April you will then receive detailed information including the fee for participation and be requested to register.
Notice: In order to participate your company either need to be located in one of the ScanBalt member regions (inquire at ) or have a ScanBalt Business Club Service contract costing 250 EUR/year, read more here.
List of potential Russian companies presenting 6th of June:
Pharmaceutical companies:
- “БИОКАД” “Biocad” Ltd,
- “ВЕРТЕКС” “Vertex” JSC,
- “ГЕНЕРИУМ” “Generuim” JSC,
- “Герофарм” “Gerofarm” State Corporation,
- “ПОЛИСАН” “Polysan” Ltd,
- “Самсон-мед” “Samson –med” Ltd,
- ”SPbnivis”,
- “ФАРМАКОР ПРОДАКШН” “Farmakor Production”,
- “Фармамед. РФ” “Farmamed” State Corporation,
- “ФАРМСТАНДАРТ “Farmstandart”,
- “МБНПК “ЦИТОМЕД” “Cytomed”Ltd,
Medical equipment and diagnostic systems companies:
- Parseq Lab,
- VideoZavr,
- “ЛенВес” “Lenves”Ltd,
- КРОНТ “Kron”,
- АЛКОМ медика “Alkommedica”,
- МИЦАР “Mitsar”,
- “ЭФА медика” Efamedica”,
- “Юрикон-Группа” “Uricon-Groupa” Ltd,
Read more about visiting Saint-Petersburg here.
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