ScanBalt Campus – Kick Off Meeting

ScanBalt Campus – Kick Off Meeting

The kick – off meeting for the Interreg lllB co-financed project ScanBalt Campus will take place on Tuesday 14th June 2005 starting 10.00 at Lund University, Sweden.

ScanBalt Campus (SBC) will create a cross-sectoral network of education and R&D between universities, companies, hospitals/university hospitals and other actors – all sharing life sciences/biotechnology as a common base – in ScanBalt BioRegion. The SBC will improve regional coordination and mobility, increase cross-disciplinarity, increase collaboration between sectors and create critical mass.

The coordinator of the project is the Centre for Environment and Sustainablity, a co-operation between Chalmers University of Technology and Göteborg University, read more at

Programme and presentations

14 June 2005
Lunds University
Eden Hörsal
Paradisgatan 5, Building H

10.00 – 10.30 Welcome
Bo Samuelsson, ScanBalt
Welcome to the Öresund Science Region , Bengt Streijfert, Öresund University

10.30 – 12.00 Presentation of the ScanBalt Campus project:
Oliver Lindquist, Center of Environment and Sustainability

Presentation of WP 1: Concepts and Curriculum
Bo Samuelsson, ScanBalt

Presentation of WP 2: Knowledge Centers
Carita Martin, BioTurku

Presentation of WP 3: Information Platform
Elise Kvarnström, ScanBalt

Presentation of WP 4: Dissemination
Jens Gran, MedCoast Scandinavia

Economy, reports and time sheets
Katarina Gårdfeldt, Göteborg University

12.00-12.15 Election of the ScanBalt Campus Board

12.15-12.35 The Vision: ScanBalt Campus as an European role model
Horst Klinkmann, BioCon Valley

12.35-12.55 Education and training of leaders for the life science industry of the future: Which are the challenges?
Bente Christensen, Copenhagen Business School

12.55 – 13.00 End of Kick Off – Introduction of afternoon sessions
Oliver Lindquist, Center of Environment and Sustainability

13.00 – 14.00 Sandwich lunch

14.00 – 17.30 Parallel session 1: Round table discussion

14.00-14.05 Welcome and introduction
Bo Samuelsson, ScanBalt

14.05 – 16.30 Discussion of concepts (moderator Bo Samuelsson)

ScanBalt Campus

ScanBalt Academy

ScanBalt shared curricula

16.30 – 17.30 Work planning, actions, decisions, responsible

Peter Frank will be secretary for the session

14.00 – 17.30 Parallel session 2: ScanBalt Knowledge Center initiatives

14.00 – 14.05 Welcome and introduction
Carita Martin, BioTurku

14.05 – 16.30 Presentation of potential ScanBalt Campus knowledge centers:

ScanBalt European Faculty of regenerative medicine
Gustav Steinhoff, Rostock Medical University

Gdansk initiative on Faculty of Molecular Diagnostics
Ewa Lojkowska/Jacek Bigda, Gdansk University/Medical University

ScanBalt Faculty of intellectual property and entrepreneurship
Bo Heiden, Chalmers

ScanBalt Faculty of Environmental Biotechnology
Oliver Lindquist, Center of Environmental Biotechnology

Open discussion of other ideas

16.30 – 17.30 Work planning, actions, decisions, responsible
Katarina Gårdfeldt will be secretary for the session

17.30 – ? Official Reception at the Öresund University
Opening of their new premises with participation of the rectors of Lund and Copenhagen Universities

ScanBalt members: