ScanBalt Campus spinns out new project “Wood becomes plastic”
ScanBalt Campus attracts co-funding.
The project “Lignin as raw material for chemicals”; was initiated by the ScanBalt Campus Environmental Biotechnology Knowledge Network and has now received seperate funding from Nordic Innovation Centre.
Wood becomes plastic:
The use of lignin as raw material for the Nordic chemical industry has a large economical potential. Lignin is the second most abundant bio polymer on earth and is also processed and separated from its origin, wood, in large amount in the pulp and paper industry. This project will explore the possibilities to use various lignin structures as chemical precursor for certain chemical substances having a high potential commercial value. It will compile methods for processing the lignin, characterize potential yield and potential market value, explore the possibility of replacement of plastics by cross-linked lignin material, and create a road-map for the future to launch new lignin based products.
Lignin as raw material for chemicals
Project partners:
-Centre for Environment and Sustainability, Chalmers and Göteborg University
-Chalmers University of Technology, Forest Products and Chemical Engineering
-Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry
-University of Helsinki
-VTT Processes
-Øresund Environment Academy
-STFI-Packforsk AB
-Akzo Nobel
-Perstorp Specialty Chemicals
Contact person
Katarina Gårdfeldt
Centre for Environment and Sustainability
Chalmers and Göteborg University, Sweden
Clean, Clever and Competitive
The project is one of five project undert the umbrella “Clean, Clever and Competitive – Economic growth with less environmental strain”
The Nordic Innnovation Centre has now launched five Nordic projects in order to support innovation and commercialisation of Nordic environmental technology. Thes projects will adress issues such as: Eco-Innovation, New value chains, Commercialisation, Attracting investments.
Nordic Innovation Centre: Clean, Clever and Competitive projects
ScanBalt News
3 September 2024
LSX Nordic Congress 2024 | 8-9 October | Copenhagen, Denmark