The ScanBalt EU Research Support Digest 34st issue, May 2017

The ScanBalt EU Research Support Digest 34st issue, May 2017


The ScanBalt EU Research Support Digest informs the members of ScanBalt about relevant open research funding schemes and other financial sources.


Horizon 2020 – Draft description of next work programs (2018-2020) out

The European Commision will open the next work program series under Horizon 2020 in the autumn 2017. First draft descriptions give an overview of calls and topics. For the health (Societal challenge 1) and food biotech and bioeconomy (Societal challenge 2) section the following calls are expected with several subtopics:


  • Call 1. Better Health and care, economic growth and sustainable health    systems
  • Call 2. Digital transformation in Health and Care
  • Call 3. Trusted digital solutions and Cybersecurity in Health and Care


  • Call 1.                Sustainable food security
  • Call 2.                Rural renaissance
  • Call 3.                Blue growth

If you have questions to those calls please contact the ScanBalt EU advisor Frank Graage at


ERA Net RUS plus – Joint Calls 2017 – Call for S&T Projects

Cooperation in innovation, research and development is a key dimension in the relations between the European Union and Russia. In this context the 28 consortium members of ERA.Net RUS Plus have implemented Joint Call for transnational and scientifically excellent research projects.

The second call round, the ‘ERA.Net RUS Plus Call 2017’ will continue the support of ‘S&T projects’ in the fields of Nanotechnologies, Health, Environment/Climate Change, Social Sciences & Humanities and Robotics as well as the support of ‘Innovation projects’.

Eligible countries: Austria Belgium Bulgaria Estonia Finland Germany Greece Latvia Moldova Romania Russia Serbia Slovakia Switzerland and Turkey.

Deadline: 4 July 2017

More information can be found here


PPP- Bio-Based Industries (BBI)

This Joint Undertaking is a Public-Private Partnership between the EU and the Bio-based Industries Consortium.

The objective of the BBU JU is to implement a programme of research and innovation activities in Europe that will assess the availability of renewable biological resources that can be used for the production of bio-based materials, and on that basis support the establishment of sustainable bio-based value chains.

Those activities should be carried out through collaboration between stakeholders along the entire bio-based value chains, including primary production and processing industries, consumer brands, SMEs, research and technology centres and universities.

The call for 2017 is out now. The Annual Work Plan (AWP) 2017 moves away from a strict biomass feedstock ‘push’ based on the traditional value chains, towards a demand for biomass to enable processing to respond adequately to a ‘pull’ from the end markets. Several Research & innovation.

Deadline: September 7th 2017

More information can be found here.



The Horizon Prize on reducing maternal and newborn morbidity and mortality – the Birth Day Prize – will be awarded to the contestants who demonstrate a novel solution to improve the outcome of facility-based deliveries, which might be of clinical, technological or managerial nature, or a combination of these. Any solution must take full account of relevant social factors and have the potential of scaling up rapidly.

Deadline: 06 September 2017

More information can be found here


HORIZON PRIZE – Low carbon hospital – € 1 million

The Horizon prize for Combined Heat and Power (CHP) installation in a hospital using 100% renewable energy sources will reward a hospital that has an innovative and perfectly integrated combined CHP installation within its premises.

The contest has been launched and you can apply until 3 April 2019.

More information can be found here.


SME Instrument

Also in 2017, SMEs are invited to submit proposals under the SME instrument at any time within all Societal Challenges and Leadership in Enabling and Industrial Technologies areas. In the field of Life Sciences the following topics are open:

Depending on which phase you are interested to apply for, the following cut-off days exist:

Phase1: Next cut-off-dates: 06.09.2017, 08.11.2017
Phase2: Next cut-off-dates: 01.06.2017, 18.10.2017

More information can be found here.


Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Open: Research and innovation actions


The successful exploration of new foundations for radically new future technologies requires supporting a large set of early stage, high risk visionary science and technology projects to investigate new ideas.

Here agile, risk-friendly and highly interdisciplinary research approaches are needed with collaborations that are open to all sciences and disciplines and that dissolve the traditional boundaries between them.

The renewal of ideas is complemented by the renewal of actors taking these new ideas forward.

Therefore, this topic encourages the driving role of new high-potential actors in research and innovation, such as excellent young, both female and male, researchers and high-tech SMEs that may become the scientific and industrial leaders of the future.

More information can be found here.

Next cut-off date: 27 September 2017


Eurostars Cut-Off 8

 Eurostars is the only European funding programme to be specifically dedicated to support R&D-performing SMEs in their innovative R&D projects. With its bottom-up approach, it stimulates international collaborative research and innovation projects that will be rapidly commercialised.

A Eurostars project must have a civilian purpose and be aimed at the development of a new product, process or service.

Submission date 14/09/2017 20:00 CET

More information at here.


Do you need support in finding the right topic, partner or need further information and assistance? Contact the ScanBalt EU advisor Frank Graage at

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