ScanBalt Forum 2006 – main achievements
ScanBalt Forum 2006 – main achievements.
ScanBalt Forum 2006, hosted by Estonian Genome Foundation inTartu, was a great succes.
A short sum up of main achievements during ScanBalt Forum, including the Executive Committee meeting and Scanbalt General Assembly:
1. ScanBalt Yellow Pages released – thanks to collaboration with the projects CompetenceRegion, ScanBalt Campus Boosting Baltic and Scandinavian Life Science database.
2. ScanBalt Academyofficially launched with 22 members.
3. First mapping report on ScanBalt BioRegion released from CompetenceRegion.
4. ScanBalt financial round table on public private financing will be a collaborative activity with Nordea.
5. A new ScanBalt Communication project for the coming FP 7 has been agreed on
6. The Innovation Task Force presented it’s first paper Some of the elements are:
Establishment of open IP-based innovation platforms
Establishment of an innovation portal
Strengthening of application support activities with focus on SME´s
A short easy to communicate policy paper on innovation
7: Launch of Boosting Baltic electronic guide to EU funding