A ScanBalt Forum in Turku with concrete results
On the picture: Member of Finnish Parliament Annika Saarikko opening ScanBalt Forum 2016, Turku
The Forum taking place 19 – 20 October in Turku turned out to be exactly what it is meant for: A combination of interesting lectures and discussions combined with project accelerator meetings, informal partner discussions, discussions with the Estonian EU Presidency secretariat, with stakeholders in the Indian health innovation system and with organizers of the InnoHealth 2017 conference in India.
In other words a lever to promote very concrete out comes from the intense collaboration in ScanBalt.
ScanBalt Forum 2016 was organised by Turku Science Park, Åbo Akademi University, University of Turku and Turku University Hospital.
The focus of the conference was biomaterials, diagnostics and epidemiology, efficient patient information systems and interesting business cases. More than 100 participants had two very intense days at the Mauno Conference Center.
On the picture: ScanBalt Forum Chairman Professor Pekka Vallittu adressing the audience
For the members of ScanBalt the concrete results were not least:
- A fruitful dialogue with the Estonian EU 2017 Presidency which may require input from the members with respect to digital health at a planned presidential conference
- Enhanced opportunities for SME’s in the Baltic Sea Region for contributing to the adaption of India’s health care system to the demographic changes.
- Partnership with the InnoHealth 2017 Conference in India, follow the updates here (soon available)
- International collaboration within the Silver Economy/Active Aging and the possibilities for EU funding of relevant activities (CreAger, see separate report here )
At the General Assembly for ScanBalt® fmba taking place 18th of October the Chairman Jaanus Pikani could present an impressing pipeline of new co-financed projects with focus on innovation and digitalization.
He concluded that ScanBalt BioRegion is a global hot spot for biotechnology based innovation according to a recent analysis by Scientific American (see also here)
Three countries are in the top ten, 6 countries in the top 20. And the rest are moving fast forward from a lower position. He underlined that we have reasons to be proud on behalf of our region.
The General Assembly and the following board meeting decided to further strengthen focus on business, commercialization and added value for the members.
ScanBalt News
3 September 2024
LSX Nordic Congress 2024 | 8-9 October | Copenhagen, Denmark