ScanBalt Intellectual Property Network – up and running!

ScanBalt Intellectual Property Network – up and running!

The ScanBalt Intellectual Property Knowledge Network project is now up and running! The IPKN set up, an EU FP6 Specific Support Action, started on March 1, 2005. The project partners (CIP, Chalmers, Gothenburg, Sweden; Steinbeis Transfer Center, Rostock, Germany; Institute of Law, Tartu University, Tallinn, Estonia; and CITTRU, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland) will meet in Berlin on March 10-11, for the IPKN kick-off meeting.

A first major competency development and networking activity will be the Biotech IP Focus during CIP Forum 2005: Managing Intellectual Property as Core Business in Gothenburg, May 22-25. The event brings to the ScanBalt region professionals from around the world to discuss current issues within intellectual property. The conference sessions are directed both towards individuals with considerable insights into intellectual property management and to those that have little or only basic knowledge of intellectual property matters and are interested in learning more!

ScanBalt IPKN highlights in the Biotech IP Focus include the Sunday workshop on “IP fundamentals for Bioscience researchers” as well as the Tuesday afternoon sessions on “Research Tools and Reach-through Licenses”, and “Creating Successful University-Industry Biotech Collaborations”. For more information see

Please contact ScanBalt IPKN for more information about reduced conference fee offers for participants from the ScanBalt BioRegion!

News Source: Frida Kasteng, CIP Chalmers University

The Centre for Intellectual Property Studies, Chalmers University, Gothenburg is a member of ScanBalt.

ScanBalt members: