ScanBalt IPKN Network: Intellectual Property Management Seminars
The objective of the ScanBalt Intellectual Property Knowledge Network (IPKN) is to facilitate regional cooperation and coordination of research and education in the field of intellectual property (IP) management in order to boost supply and demand as well as accessibility of IP knowledge throughout the ScanBalt BioRegion.
Training in IP-focused innovation management in bioscience will include topics such as IP strategies, management systems and organisations, biotech contracts and licensing, technology transfer processes, technology and market collaboration (e.g. JVs, standards, open research), biotech IP valuation/ due diligence and financing, and bioscience business creation.
This year there will be three seminars, in Estonia (March), Poland (April) and Germany (June).
Please note, that these seminars are open to all and booking details can be found on the linked flyer.
Visit the IPKN site here. (Online registration will be available shortly)