Scanbalt Newsletter January 2004
ScanBalt Campus moves forward
AgroBiotech Research Network initiative in ScanBalt
ScanBalt Stem Cell Research Network
New Center for Modern Agro Biotechnologies
EU calls and publications
EU policy focus, information and web tools
Life Science events
ScanBalt Campus moves forward
The idea of establishing a ScanBalt Campus as a flexible collaborative structure between member universities, companies and hospitals in ScanBalt BioRegion for the benefit of education within biotech and life sciences has taken a substantial step forward following initial discussions with potential partners. Basic education and research education as well as summer courses and courses for life long learners are at focus. There are also plans within the framework and in collaboration with others to take part in the establishment of an international bioscience business school.
Chairman Bo Samuelsson ScanBalt says: “We have found that there is a growing interest and thus a basis for moving forwards towards a more formalised university/company/hospital collaboration focussing on education and research. A working group is being formed for the application of grant money. I feel enthusiastic and rather confident that in 2004 we can begin to realize the ideas of a ScanBalt Campus.” For further information contact Bo Samuelsson at
AgroBiotech Research Network initiative in ScanBalt
An AgroBiotech Research Network in the ScanBalt countries has been initiated and NorFA will fund the first meeting. In February 2004 leading researchers from ScanBalt BioRegion will meet in Copenhagen, Denmark for a 2-day working session. The aim is to discuss and form a common framework of cooperation.
“Biotechnology may provide a significant input in questions that are particularly difficult, complicated and important in our northern environment and which include many problems unique to our region. The meeting will aim at a major research program with a strong northern dimension and focused to true, significant problems of the agricultural or forest production in our area. Furthermore, the program should enhance training of young researchers and increase collaboration not only between countries but also between research institutes and universities in the participating countries” says Professor Jari Valkonen from University of Helsinki and Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala. The initiative is lead by prof. Valkonen and supported by ScanBalt and NOVA-BOVA University. For further information contact Niels Fuglede, ScanBalt secretariat
ScanBalt Stem Cell Research Network
The first meeting of the ScanBalt Stem Cell Research Network was held in Funen, Denmark the 28.-29. November 2003. Researchers from ScanBalt BioRegion participated in the formation of the network. Two working groups were established. One to secure funding for the future development of the network together with promoting training and mobility of young researchers through Nordic and EU instruments. Another strategic working group was established aiming on larger research projects/applications.
In ScanBalt ethical attitudes on research on human adult and embryonic stem cells vary from country to country. It is very important to find the right balance and to respect each other’s local ethical attitudes on this subject. Ethics should therefore be discussed whenever the ScanBalt network meets. For further information contact Niels Fuglede, ScanBalt secretariat
EU calls and publications
HIV, malaria and tuberculosis
Poverty related diseases
Confronting the major communicable diseases linked to poverty
Promotion of SME participation
Stimulating international co-operation
Promotion of cooperation with Associated Candidate Countries
Stimulating exploitation
Scientific and project management
Realising ERA objectives
EU Strategy for Life Sciences and Biotechnology
Supporting policy development
Horizontal Research activities involving SMEs
Design Studies, Construction of New Infrastructures
Cooperation and the coordination of research activities
Specific Support Actions (SSA) for Western Balkan countries
Specific Support Actions (SSA) for Russia and other NIS
Reintegration Grants
Cooperation and the coordination of research activitiesGovernance, scientific advice, outreach and communication’
Identifying regional cluster strategies for R&D policy
– The Marie Curie Handbook
Read more: Some links have expired but information can be found at
EU policy focus, information and web tools
Policy focus
EU- US research performance and ‘brain drain’
Public sector financing of innovative start-ups
EU – US innovation gap
Candidate country participation in FP6
EU failed on EU funding of embryonic stem cell research and the implementation of a community patent.
Early-stage venture capital for innovative technology companies tied up in business expansion
Six million euro to countering antibiotic resistance
Funding of 32 cross-border initiatives
Young scientists writing competition
New service providing answers to frequently asked questions on FP6
The link has now expired.
Life Science events
Supporting centres of excellence in accession states – Conference
Ethical implications of scientific research on bioweapons and the prevention of terrorism – Conference
9th International Human Genome meeting
EurOCEAN – Marine Science and Ocean Technology,
International network for SME’s
Third European business summit
Deadline for ScanBalt News
Deadline for the next issue of ScanBalt News is 30 January.
Editor: Peter Frank