Scanbalt Newsletter July 2004
- Become a member of ScanBalt
- 3rd ScanBalt Forum
- 5th Annual International Gene Forum 2004 “Genomics to Medicine” September 17-18
Tartu, Estonia - British Science Minister to open conference in Medicon Valley
- Boosting Baltic FP6 Kick Off
- ScanBalt Fact Files <_o3a_p />
- Bringing Science to the public
Be a member of ScanBalt
ScanBalt is from 1 August 2004 a membership based not for profit association. In particular ScanBalt is a tool for the members to:
– Create visibility for the ScanBalt BioRegion and members of ScanBalt
– Attract human resources and capital
– Initiate and facilitate the creation of critical mass
– Coordinate joint efforts in research, education and technology transfer
– Create a platform for collaboration between academia, hospitals, public authorities, private companies and individuals
– Create a platform for dialog and collaboration between networks
– Create a platform for dialog with supra-national institutions
Members of ScanBalt will have exclusive access to the ScanBalt extranet currently being developed. ScanBalt will whenever possible negotiate reduced fees for selected conferences, events and subscriptions. Some of these services may be limited to founding and institutional members. See more information on membership of ScanBalt here.
3rd ScanBalt Forum<_o3a_p />
We would like to invite you to the 3rd ScanBalt Forum – The Competence Region. The Forum will take place in Turku Science Park, Finland on 25th and 26th of August 2004. The Forum will create the future of the ScanBalt Competence region by establishing Scientific Platforms and Public-Private Partnerships. The aim of the Forum is to promote networking, to create new contacts and collaboration for mutual benefit and funding of activities within biotechnology in the ScanBalt Competence Region. The focus of the 3rd ScanBalt Forum is both scientific and entrepreneurial. The programme is built on the ScanBalt ongoing projects or project ideas with renowned speakers. See the announcement and registration details here.
5th Annual International Gene Forum,Tartu, Estonia, 17 18 September, 2004
An annual international high-level scientific conference including the Connect Estonia biobusiness workshop and an exhibition on genetics and genomics. This provides an excellent opportunity to establish and renew contacts in the newly enlarged European Union. Gene Forum 2004 focuses on interdisciplinary areas within genomics and genetics of complex diseases, genetic epidemiology, pharmacogenomics and business, population genetics, human genetics and bioethics. Read more here.
British science minister to open conference in Medicon Valley
Lord Sainsbury of Turville, UK Minister for Science and Innovation, will open the BioTech Forum Science Conference taking place in Copenhagen on 5-7 October this year. “With this conference, we open the doors to one of Europe’s largest meeting-places for scientists and students within European biotech development,” says the conference’s project manager, Anette Birck of Medicon Valley Academy. Read more here.
Boosting Baltic FP6 Kick-off
The Boosting Baltic FP6 Kick-off meeting will take place in Vilnius in October. The 7 partners will meet for the first time. National mapping will be presented and the partners will initiate a Benchmarking analysis. Also the agenda displays presentation of a management tool box and information of a local highlight: Sunrise Valley and the SINO project. Read more here.
ScanBalt Fact files
ScanBalt Fact File-Investment is launched at the ScanBalt Forum in Turku, 25 August. The Fact File on Investment will boast a searchable database containing contact data and business profiles on 80 life science venture capital companies located in the ScanBalt Bioregion. Also information on national support systems will also be available.
Scanbalt Fact File Mobility will also be launched at Scanbalt Forum in Turku. The Fact File on mobility will contain information for the BioRegions life science students wishing to study elsewhere.
Read more here.
Bring Science to the public
European Science Events Association (EUSCEA) aims at exchanging ideas, best practise and up-to-date information of what’s hapening in the field of science communication on the European and international scene. For more information click here or contact Magdalena Fikus at .
EU Focus
FP6 Mid Term Evaluation
EU Information
Integrated Project: Adult stem cell engineering and connective tissue disorder.
Ocean remedies for cancer.
Integrated Project, CANCERDEGRADOME, Innovative ways of diagnosing and treating cancer.
Network of Excellence on Chronic Inflammation.
Integrated Project Reducing Economic and Social Burden of Obesity – Diet based prevention of metabolic syndrome.
EU-Funded Agricultural Research Portal.
Vets and doctors joining forces against zoonoses.
EU active in fight against killer diseases.
EU Calls
INSME call – specifically conceived for intermediaries and their networks dealing with innovation and technology transfer.
Centres of excellence in acceding and candidate countries.
EU Published Events
Pharmacological Societies Conference
The Impact of Genomics on Society
5th Nordic Congress on Telemedicine
RIGA Food 2004
Baltic Dynamics
The DEAN conference – creating triple helix world class research
Symposium on molecular targets and cancer therapeutics
Brain Gain: The Instruments
Medical Oncology
Forum for Innovative Enterprises
Images of Science – New interactions between science and society
Deadline for the next issue of ScanBalt news is 25th August
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