Scanbalt Newsletter June 2003
ScanBalt Featured at BIO 2003, The World’s Largest Gathering of Biotechnology Leaders
The session ScanBalt: Opportunities in the Baltic Sea Area Through Borderless Biotech will highlight the ScanBalt progress during its first year and address areas for future focus, such as new industry growth and progress, funding, partnership opportunities and intellectual property protection. Quality infrastructure, resources and intellectual capital already exist in the area, including approximately 60 universities and 870 biotechnology-related companies. The goal is to leverage these resources and assets to foster the industry’s continued growth and commercialization in this geographic area.
Leslie Platt , J.D., Principal, Ernst & Young LLP
Bo Samuelsson, M.D., Ph.D., Chairman of ScanBalt, Rector, University of Göteborg
Anna Podhajska , M.D., Ph.D., Professor, University of Gdansk
Joergen Dirach, M.D., Research Counselor, Novo Nordisk A/S
Kai Lahtonen, Vice President, Marketing & Business Development, Hormos Medical Corp.
Dr. Wolfgang Blank, Managing Director, BioCon Valley GmbH
Kalev Kask, Ph.D., CEO, EGeen International Corp. Read more and dt=25 Selected Research and Policy News from Cordis The Community Research and Development Information Service. The link has now expired.
CIP Forum 2003 Managing the Intellectual Value Chain, October 5-8, Göteborg The mission of the CIP FORUM 2003 is to illuminate the issues critical to creating value throughout the intellectual value chain from idea creation and protection to commercialization and enforcement using an interdisciplinary lens. The conference will be international in scope and is designed to attract executives, managers, and practitioners from multi-national corporations, SMEs, venture capital and financial investment industry, government, academia, law firms, and IP and management consultants who are interested in how firms can create intellectual value. Read more at
4th Annual International Gene Forum 2003 “50 Years of Double Helix” September 12-13, 2003 – Tartu, Estonia. Gene Forum 2003 will bring together experts from Europe and other parts of the world for discussion of progress in the field of biotechnology and, in particular, human genetics, population and community genetics, bioethics and pharmacogenomics. The event incorporates Exhibition aimed at biotechnology-related companies, Connect Biobusiness Workshop, Bioethics Workshop. During the event will be held ScanBalt Bioregion Steering Committee meeting. Confirmed presentations by Prof. Rolf M. Zinkernagel, Nobel Prize (1996), Institute of Experimental Immunology, University of Zurich, Switzerland, Prof. Adriano Aguzzi (University of Zurich, Switzerland), Dr. Ruth Taylor (IBM Lifescience Solutions, USA), Dr. Duncan McHale (Pfizer Ltd, UK), Dr. Gavin Screaton (MRC Human Immunology Unit, UK), Leslie A. Platt, J.D. (Ernst&Young LLP, USA), Prof. Thomas Baldwin (University of York, UK Stem Cell Steering Committee, Nuffield Council of Bioethics, UK), Dr. Struan Grant (deCode Genetics, Iceland), Prof. Alan Wright (MRC, UK), Dr. Per Otteskog, (Karo Bio AB, Sweden), Prof. Rudi Westendorp (Leiden University, The Netherlands), Prof. Pierre Hainaut (IARC, France) and others; The advanced registration deadline is June 25, 2003. Further information:
By phone at: +372 56 469 494
Deadline for ScanBalt News Deadline for the next issue of ScanBalt News is the 28h of June 2003. If you have any news or information you would like to share, then please forward a few lines and add a link if necessary. Attachments should be avoided, however in case a link is not providing information in English, it will of course be accepted. Editor: Peter Frank