ScanBalt Strategy 2015 – 2018: Solving Societal Challenges on Top of Europe
The strategy aims to: (1) make it easier for businesses to explore the BSR as a market and development site; (2) promote shared use of knowledge and innovation structures and universities; (3) assist regions to gain economic development from Baltic Sea Region collaboration.
Aims and actions 2015-2018 for the not-for-profit association ScanBalt® fmba (in short: ScanBalt) are presented in Solving Societal Challenges on Top of Europe.
ScanBalt promotes the development of the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) as a globally competitive health and bio economy (Scan-
Balt BioRegion).
Since 2004 ScanBalt has attracted or assisted directly to attract more than seventeen (17) million Euros to coordinated activities
applying to shared visions and values for the development of ScanBalt BioRegion.
Many more projects have been launched within the member regions by support of ScanBalt.
The ROI of ScanBalt for the members is thus well beyond 15:1 as fees in the same period amount to approx. 1.1 million Euro.
We hope that you enjoy reading Solving Societal Challenges on Top of Europe and will find inspiration for your involvement with ScanBalt® fmba.