Successful workshop for first time proposers to EU funding
Successful workshop for first time proposers to EU funding.
Under the slogan: ” This workshop is not a seminar – This workshop is a work-shop! the ScanBalt project Boosting Baltic invited life scientist to a learning by doing workshop in Tartu.
The workshop took place a s a satelite event to Scanbalt Forum 2006, about 20 participants from more than 6 countries participated. The workshop addresses members of the research community and research managers from the ScanBalt Region that intend to prepare an EU application within Life Sciences in the next Framework programme.
The workshop focused on the upcoming Life Science calls in 2007 and presented both concrete and practical aims:
Learn to really understand the set up of a an EU proposal work programme
Get hands-on experience in building a consortium
Understand the fixed parts of an application form and the electronic proposal system
Get an easy-to-apply framework for setting up an EU application.
Dr. Luis Minguez from the European Commission participated in the workshop and said afterwards: “The practical hands-on training provided by this Boosting Baltic workshop, is a very convincing scheme to obtain the project goals. It was obvious that it provided a direct learning experience for the participants.”
Speakers and your working partners come from several NCP[1] offices, from Steinbeis Technology Transfer, Germany, the Swedish VINNOVA office in Bruxelles and from the ScanBalt secretariat in Denmark – all with extensive experience in EU applications. Find out more about the project “Boosting Baltic FP6” at