Turku to develop science parks in South Africa

Turku to develop science parks in South Africa

Turku to develop science parks in South Africa.

Turku Science Park Ltd has been selected as one of the providers in the COFISA joint project of the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Republic of South Africa in which Finns will help South Africa to improve their innovation system and develop science parks.

The Finnish parties are co-ordinated by Helsinki Consulting Group, and consulting agency Advansis Oy is also involved from Finland. Lauri Kuukasjärvi was selected the Finnish programme director of the COFISA project, and he will reside in Pretoria during the project. The South African programme director is Dr N. Arendse.

Mr Kouvonen in the steering group
Turku Science Park mainly participates in the project through the contribution of Managing Director Ilkka Kouvonen to the steering group of the project. The group visited Pretoria in late September and met e.g. Mosibudi Mangena, Minister of Science and Technology of the Republic of South Africa, management of the local Innovation Hub science park, local businessmen, and other influential people.

The COFISA project commenced this autumn and will last a total of 30 months.

Source: SPARK, Turku Science Park online


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