Two seed money projects approved to implement the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region

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Two of the seed money applications submitted by ScanBalt received funding from Interreg Baltic Sea Region.
- BALT-PRO (Boost alternative proteins for healthy food with low eco-impact and high regional growth in BSR) – 50 000 euros for one year. Project partners are the University of Applied Science Neubrandenburg, Research Institutes of Sweden RISE and ScanBalt. The main project will focus on supporting an integrated and innovative full value chain approach taking into account the production chain as such from raw material to consumption and the life cycle analyses, business model and consumer perspectives in addition. The transnational exchange e.g. pros and cons of certain production processes, business experiences or consumer integration will boost the development of best practices, raise awareness, showcase a business or scale up models and lead to test value chain completion by active partnering. This shall result in value chain efficiency, better quantity and quality, problem-solving and integration of new technologies (digitalization and business models)and increase of acceptance for healthy food applications from protein plants.
- DNA (DigiHealth Nordic Acceleration) – 50 000 euros for one year. Project partners are Turku Science Park, Innovation Skane and ScanBalt. DNA application contributes to the framework of PA Inno, as one of the PA Inno main actions is digital innovation and transformation. In addition, drivers of the digital health sector (rising medical costs, ageing population and increasing need for long-term care, shortage of medical staff) lead to challenge-driven innovation. Furthermore, the aim of the DigiHealth Nordic Acceleration project is to enable better co-creation among SMEs and startups.
Seed money is funding provided by Interreg Baltic Sea Region to support the preparation of projects in line with the Action Plan of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR). With Seed money support, projects can be prepared for any funding source available in the region.
Please find the full list of approved Seed money projects here.
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