X – Turku PET Symposium, 28th May – Finland
The Symposium is targeted to all investigators and staff working with cyclotrons, PET radiochemistry and modeling, as well as PET imaging. The attendance should be particularly useful to those who are new to the field or want to broaden their understanding of the rapidly developing research applications of PET.
One full day will be dedicated to the use of PET in drug development. This Minisymposium will be organized jointly by Turku PET Centre and Turku Imanet, part of GE Healthcare, and will cover, e.g., the current understanding how PET can be used in modern drug development, regulatory and business perspectives and concrete examples from “the real life”. The Symposium will be closed with a Round Table Discussion about the future role of PET in drug discovery and development.
Read more here.
News Source: Riikka Erkko, Turku Science Park, ScanBalt Webeditor – Finland