Young European Biotech Network: Questionnaire on Job Migration
Since European job migration is a key concern of YEBN and its members, they have decided to embark on the European Job Migration project. Over the next few months they intend to communicate with over 1000 young European biotech professionals from all fields of specialisation. We want to investigate their current career situation with the help of a questionnaire.
Their aim is to bring the key problems encountered by Europe’s young researchers, scientists and technicians to light and to identify the major stumbling blocks for those considering a future in biotech research and development.
The goal is to identify areas and actions that should be considered by Europe’s decision makers in order to improve innovation and research performance in Europe’s biotech sector. Furthermore, they intend to make big progresses toward a Europe being “the leading knowledge-based economy in the world”.
By presenting the questionnaire, this project was launched at The World life Sciences Forum BioVision 2005. Whether you are a young researcher, a scientist or a technician, please take 5 minutes to fill in their survey and help them to “Mitigate the Migration and Buck the Biotech Brain Drain”.
Fill in the questionnaire, online, here.
Read more about the Young European Biotech Network here.
News Source: Konrad Kleszczynski, ScanBalt Webeditor, Poland