The ScanBalt Organisation

ScanBalt® MTÜ is a not-for-profit membership association with a legal entity registered in Estonia, 80567123, VAT EE102172425.

Legal Entity

ScanBalt MTÜ is a not-for-profit membership association with a legal entity registered in Estonia, 80567123, VAT EE102172425.

General Assembly (GA)

The GA is composed of the members. The GA decides on change of statutes and the membership fees and advices the Executive Committee on the strategic development of the association. Members of ScanBalt are found here.

Executive Committee (ExCo)

ExCo is composed of the Founding Members of ScanBalt, up to 6 Institutional Members elected by ExCo and up to 5 Co-opted Members of strategic interest.

ExCo decides on all matters relevant to ScanBalt except those which explicitly require approval by the GA. The primary task of ExCo is strategy development. ExCo members are found here.


The Chairmanship of ScanBalt is responsible for representing the organisation and oversees the management. The Chairmanship is composed of a Chairman elected by ExCo and up to 6 Vice Chairmen.

The Chairmanship is found here.


The Secretariat is responsible for daily operations in dialogue with ExCo and the Chairmanship. Contact details.

Liaison Offices

The ScanBalt Liaison Offices are regional and/or thematic and promote specific issues of common interest. Contact details.

Strategic Collaborations

ScanBalt has strategic collaborations with relevant organisations for mutual benefits. If interested please contact the Secretariat.

ScanBalt Health Region

ScanBalt coordinates the EU Baltic Sea Region Strategy´s flagship “Health Region”. More information here.

ScanBalt members: