Become a Member


Project Partnering and Coordinated Investments

• The return on investment is 19:1 for the members

• Project accelerator days organised every year

• One vision supported by several funding instruments

• Access to be part of the EU Baltic Sea Region strategy’s flagship Health Region.


ScanBalt Business Club

• Facilitating business development and market access

• Publishing company news, partner searches and job adverts

• Facilitating access to business support and investors

• Discounts on events

For Founding Members: All companies in your region can utilize ScanBalt Business Club.

Read more here.


Visibility and Participation

• ScanBalt Business Club Information and ScanBalt News have over 7000 subscribers

• ScanBalt reaches out to approx:

3000 companies

50 university hospitals

60 universities within health/life science incl. 25 with a focus on Medtech

50 healthcare clusters and networks

75 healthcare sector science parks

• Access to a Baltic Sea Region market within health care growing above average


Public Affairs

ScanBalt constantly argues for the following:

• The importance of health and bio-economy

• The need to strengthen regional clustering

• The Baltic Sea Region as one test and development site for healthcare products and services


• Institutional membership (INS) 1464 Euro/year.

• Founding Membership (FOU) 5500 EUR/year. Cover all organisations and companies in the member region and give a seat on the board of ScanBalt (Executive Committee)

• Affiliated membership (AFF) for applicants outside ScanBalt BioRegion 1464 Euro/year. AFF has rights and services equal to INS.

For members from the Baltic counties and Poland:

• Institutional membership (INS) 190 Euro/year.

• Founding Membership (FOU) 950 EUR/year. Cover all organisations and companies in the member region and give a seat on the board of ScanBalt (Executive Committee)

See current members here.


For further information contact .


ScanBalt members: