ScanBalt® MTÜ
ScanBalt is an innovation network that brings together academic and industrial research, university hospitals and non-university research institutions, study centres and highly specialised suppliers in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical technology sectors from different European countries and regions.
The main activities of ScanBalt are:
Think Tank: Ideas generated between companies, regions, clusters and funding sources
Accelerator: Promoting projects, coordination of funding sources, smart specialization
Match-making: Facilitating contacts between health care providers, companies, investors and decision-makers
Communication: ScanBalt News (monthly), ScanBalt Business Club Information (monthly), webs, social media, direct mailing
Detailed information on the organisation can be found to the right.
ScanBalt Business Club
ScanBalt Business Club facilitates business development and market access.
It publishes company news, partner searches and job adverts, promotes contacts to business support and investors and offers discounts on events.
ScanBalt Business Club reaches out to 3000 companies, 50 university hospitals, 60 universities within health/life science incl. 25 with a focus on Medtech, 50 health care clusters and networks, 75 health care sector science parks.
To initiate your ScanBalt Business Club service contract, see here.
If your company is located in a region which is a Founding Member of ScanBalt, the services are for free without any charge to the company.
Prices for non-members:
- Publishing company profile on SB Business Club website (100 €)
- Publishing introduction or on SB newsletter (~ 8000 subscribers) (200 €)
- Publishing company profile on SB Business Club website and introduction in the newsletter combined (250 €).
Find ScanBalt Business Club here.
ScanBalt HealthRegion
ScanBalt HealthRegion is a flagship in the EU Baltic Sea Region Strategy. The flagship promotes Cross-Sectoral and Transnational Projects for Innovation in Health and in Life Sciences. Find ScanBalt HealthRegion here.
According to the basic European general data protection regulation, GDPR, ScanBalt is obliged to inform members, newsletter subscribers and visitors to our webs that we handle personal data. The personal data can be your name, postal address, e-mail address and phone number.
The information is used e.g. to forward invoices for member fees or to forward newsletters and invitations. If you do not wish any longer to subscribe to our newsletters press the “Unsubscribe” link in the newsletter.
When you visit our websites, the servers automatically store the information that the browser sends when you visit the websites. This serves solely for statistical purposes and to combat spam.
ScanBalt News
17 March 2025
LifeScience4EU Conference 2025 | 15-16 May | Krakow