One of the main outputs from the ProVaHealth-project is the Transnational Living Lab Concept, that combines the results from all the tasks in the project in order to raise management capacity of health Living Labs in the BSR to increase the potential of their sustainability and ability to serve SMEs from all Baltic Sea Region countries.
The concept is based upon the information collected and synthesized in all the various outputs from the work packages and tasks in the ProVaHealth-project, with Transnational Living Lab training programme and concept development covered here.
This work had two main parts: Best practice workshops for the continuous development of the participating Living Labs, and the development of a Transnational Living Lab Concept. The thematic areas of the workshops covered a range of aspects, some results were: 1. Sustainable business model, 2. Value proposition and the 3. Push/pull- logic describing the Living Lab uniqueness.
3. Push/Pull-collaboration-logic
The development of a transnational Living Lab concept focused on two parts, Drivers and Obstacles-, and Maturity model. Some drivers were: Access to partner services and knowledge and improved marketing. Some obstacles were: Regulations and business culture varies between the countries, and partner focus and competencies are not always known. The maturity model for transnational Living Lab collaboration uses a four-level set-up; Network, Coordinated network, Cooperation and Collaboration. For each level, descriptions for each subfactor was developed, see example.
Value proposition to SMEs:
Decision support for improved product market fit Contact point acting as a consultant organizing and coordinating tests for the SMEs together with public health entities.
Access to experts and end users.
Expert advice services
Networking – access to different innovation actors
Example – subfactor – Technical resources
The full report can be found HERE.