Make your projects visible, reach out to your target groups and attract business interest
Many projects can benefit from being more visible. They need to reach out to businesses, scientists, professionals, authorities, patient groups, citizens, media. They need access to innovation support networks, accelerators and investors. So make it simple and let ScanBalt handle it for you. Thereby you get a unique access to a huge network able to connect to your target groups.
⇒ Review of project ideas
⇒ Establishment of project consortia and alliances
⇒ Attraction of resources and funding
⇒ Coordination of projects and project activities
⇒ Promotion and marketing by established efficient tools
⇒ Sustainability of project networks and results
⇒ Implementation of agendas and action plans
⇒ Strategic communication
EU Baltic Sea Region Strategy Flagship
ScanBalt has EUSBSR flagship status with ScanBalt HealthRegion.
Project ideas
If you have an interesting idea for a project within health and bio-economy do not hesitate to contact us
ScanBalt News
17 March 2025
LifeScience4EU Conference 2025 | 15-16 May | Krakow